Well, my ideas about Pi were simple, and I beat them to death. The waveform for all the sounds in "Drain Radian Nadir" is circular rather than sinusoidal. (see illus.) Each tone in the piece is comprised of six intervals above the base frequency, having a distance of 1.1415. The frequency doubling of 3.1415 seemed uninteresting, so I eliminated it. These tones were rendered using Csound's spatialization routines to create oscillating circular paths. (see illus.) Either the tyranny of stereo, or my unfamiliarity with the software, renders them a bit more eliptical than I'd like. "Drain" may sound better with headphones. The final piece is organized around eight stereo files of the spatialized tones. Duration, frequency, stereo position and speed of travel were all decided at random. The random distribution, however, is arc-sine, which has a decided flavor of Pi. Vatic http://www.propheticdesire.com